Kakuro problem - Should the QASM contain the Grover circuit?

The page describing the challenge says that we are to submit the oracle we created before transpilation, which is what will be used to score the submission, but also the full Grover circuit.

Does that mean that the QASM file would contain the full Grover circuit? If so, does that mean that the oracle is somehow retrieved from the full code by the judges? Or is there some syntax in a QASM file I’m unaware of which could help?

I’ve created my oracle, QASM file and full Grover circuit using Qiskit and intended to submit the QASM file and a Jupyter notebook containing the full Grover circuit along with explanations on what I’ve done. Is that accepted?

It would probably be best if you submit both versions - just the oracle and then the full circuit. I think the submission form allows you to attach three files. If that’s not enough, you’re welcome to email the extra files to competition@classiq.io

Good luck!

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